Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Welcome the Bank of Montreal

 A we know, Bed, Bath and Beyond, as well as Marshalls will be strong anchor tenants for Aura at College Park Condo.  Having such strong tenants, will completely revitalize the Yonge and Gerrard Corner. A visit to the Aura at College Park construction site revealed to us that the Bank of Montreal will also be a commercial tenant in the building. There is nothing more convenient then having a bank located on the ground floor of the condo. The Bank of Montreal helped cap mortgage rates for pre approvals when the project was initially selling. This alone shows that The Bank of Montreal is a natural fit for a commercial tenant at Aura at College Park.

For more information on Aura Condos for sale and upcoming Aura assignments, click on


  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

    Nettoyage fenêtres Brossard

  2. Bonjour, c'est un gros projet ! Felicitation :)

    Hier j'ai fait le tour des condos a montreal, et y en a un où je suis resté «bouche bé», ce sont les condos nordelec!
    Regarde leur site et tu me diras ce que t'en penses, je suis tomber sous le charme de ces condos c'est super beau, en plein centre et avec une vue énorme!

    condos a montreal

    Salut :)

    1. Those condos are great. My wife and me are trying to find the perfect place to raise our kids and its seems to be nice. But I'm open to more proposal. :)

